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# Create three random circles create() create() create() # Create a yellow square square <- create() square.setSides({1 Meter}, {100 Centimeters}) square.setColor("yellow")
# Create three random circles create() create() create() # Create a yellow square square <- create() square.setSides({1 Meter}, {100 Centimeters}) square.setColor("yellow")
create() create() create() setGravity(0, {9.8 Meters/Second^2}) # Make gravity go upwards setWalls(true, true, true, true) # We need to add the top wall
function makeColumn(x) items <- round(rand(8,14)) size <- {0.5 Meters} for i in 1:items brick <- create() brick.setSides(size, size) brick.setPosition(x, size*i-size/2) end loop end function makeColumn({0 Meters}) makeColumn({1 Meter}) makeColumn({2 Meters}) ball <- create() ball.setDiameter({1 Meters}) ball.setPosition({-3 meters}, {8 meters}) ball.setAngularVelocity({1000 Degrees per Second}) ball.setDensity({100 Kilograms per Meter Squared})
setWalls(true, true, true, true) # We need to add the top wall repeat(create(), 5) function reverseGravity() # Define a function to reverse gravity x, y <- getGravity() setGravity(0, -y) end function timer({2 Seconds}, reverseGravity, true) # Repeat a function call every 2 seconds
# Select which images to choose from imgs <- { "smiley", "diamond", "discoball", "basketball", "beachball" } backdrops <- { "seacave", "underwater", "beach" } # Choose a random background image setBackgroundImage(backdrops.sample(1){1}) # Create 10 bouncy balls items <- repeat(create(), 10) items.setSpring(0.95) # Choose random ball images map(items, x.setImage(imgs.sample(1){1}))
# Click to create or remove balls repeat(create(), 5) onMouseDown(function(event) items <- findPoint(event.x, event.y) # Find clicked items if items.length() = 0 then # Nothing was clicked p <- create() p.setPosition(event.x, event.y) p.setImage("soccerball") else items.remove() # Remove the clicked item end if end function)
# Use the Left and Right arrow keys to move the paddle # A function to create a line of bricks function makeGrid(count, centerY, centerX, width, height) for i in 1:count makeBrick(centerX+(i-count/2-0.5)*width, centerY, width, height) end loop end function # A function to create a single brick function makeBrick(x, y, width, height) brick <- create("brick") brick.setSides(width, height) brick.setPosition(x, y) brick.setFixed().setFriction(0) brick.onStartCollision <- function() brick.remove() end function # Remove gravity and bound the area setGravity(0, 0) setWalls(true, true, true, true) #Create two lines of bricks makeGrid(9, 7, 0, 1, 0.5) makeGrid(9, 6.5, 0, 1, 0.5) # Create the paddle paddle <- create("paddle") paddle.setSides(2.5, 0.4) paddle.setFixed() paddle.setPosition(0, 0.3) paddle.setFriction(0) paddle.setColor("black") # Create the Ball ball <- create("ball") ball.setPosition(0, 2) ball.setDiameter(0.7) ball.setSpring(1.02) ball.setVelocity(rand(-3, 3), 10) ball.setFriction(0) ball.setDensity(20) # Control Paddle Movement onStep(function() x,y <- paddle.getPosition() direction <- 0 if not (KeyDown(37) and KeyDown(39)) then if KeyDown(37) then # Left-arrow key direction <- -1 else if KeyDown(39) then # Right-arrow key direction <- 1 end if end if paddle.SetPosition(x+{0.14 Meters}*direction, y) end function) #Control game over condition ball.onStartCollision <- function(event) if event.object.getClass() = "BottomWall" then stop() setBackgroundColor("red") alert("Game Over!") ball.remove() end if end function
# Click a ball to make it jump ObjectBase.onClick <- function() self.applyImpulse(0, -50) repeat(create(), 5)

All contents Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Created by Scott Fortmann-Roe.